Here you will find help regarding our games. The type of support may vary depending if Remedy is the publisher or not.

Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake 2 is published by Epic Games Publishing.

  • If you run into any issues while playing Alan Wake 2, please go to the Epic Games Player Support page for Alan Wake 2 HERE.
  • The game FAQ can be consulted HERE on

Alan Wake Remastered

Alan Wake Remastered is published by Epic Games Publishing.

  • If you run into any issues while playing Alan Wake Remastered, please go to the Epic Games Player Support page for Alan Wake Remastered HERE.
  • The game FAQ can be consulted HERE on


Control is published by Remedy Entertainment.

You can find answers to the most common questions regarding Control below (FAQ).

I Can't Access the DLC After Purchasing the Ultimate Edition

If you've already ensured that the DLC aren't in your library and just uninstalled, then this could be the result of Family Share license conflict.

To resolve this issue:

  1. The user that doesn't own the DLC needs to remove you from family share in their Steam profile on your PC as well as theirs.
  2. Completely reinstall the entire game (verifying files in Steam won't be enough)
  3. Once the game is launched the first DLC missions will immediately trigger, assuming that you're already far enough in the game. (Chapter 7 for Foundation, completed the game for AWE)

How do I access the AWE content in Control?

In order to start the AWE DLC missions, you must first complete the main Story Mission 7 (The Face of the Enemy). Once you have done that, a new mission will pop up that will guide you to your next waypoint (the Sector Elevator in the Executive Sector hub).

Do I have to be online to play Control Ultimate Edition?

You do not have to be online to play Control Ultimate Edition, however you do have to be online to download the game (digital) and any updates.

What is ‘next gen’ about Control Ultimate Edition on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S?

  • Performance Mode– Targets 60fps performance with 1440p render resolution and 4K output.
  • Graphics Mode – Targets 30fps performance with ray tracing. (transparency and reflections) at 1440p render resolution and 4K output
    • NOTE: Only the Performance mode is available on Xbox Series S. It is targeting 60fps with no ray tracing, at 900p render resolution, and 1080p output.
  • PS5 DualSense Support – Support for vibrations and triggers.
  • PS5 Activities and Help – Cards and videos that help guide you through the game, and keep track of your progress.

Why is Control Ultimate Edition not launching on my Xbox Series X|S?

Before attempting to play Control Ultimate Edition, please ensure that all components have been installed before launching the game.

From your Xbox Series X|S game library, launch the Control base game, which looks like this:

This includes The Foundation and AWE expansion packs, as well as the backwards compatible performance boost associated with your next-gen console.

If you try to launch the Control Ultimate Edition – Xbox Series X|S version from your game library or the store, you will be returned back to the launch screen again.

The option to play the Xbox Series X|S enhanced version of the game will be available in early 2021.

Why does the Xbox version of Control Ultimate Edition require internet?

Control Ultimate Edition, including all the latest expansions is over 50gb so we're unable to fit everything on the Xbox disc. We have used Xbox intelligent delivery to provide some content on the disc and the rest via download.

You can read more about Xbox intelligent delivery HERE.

On PlayStation 4, this isn't the case as Control Ultimate Edition fits on a single disc, due to compression and other variables.

Once you have downloaded the game, rest assured you do not have to be online to play!

Will my save files transfer over from Xbox One/PS4 to Xbox Series X|S/PS5?

  • If you are playing the backwards compatible Xbox One/PS4 version of Control Ultimate Edition on your Xbox Series X|S/PS5, then your save file will carry over.
  • If you are playing the new Xbox Series X|S/PS5 version of Control Ultimate Edition, your save file will NOT carry over. This is because the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S versions of Control Ultimate Edition features a much newer version of the Northlight Engine compared to the one used in the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game that shipped in August 2019.

Control Ultimate Edition on Xbox One says it's installing additional content while I'm playing, but nothing is downloading. What's going on?

October 2020 Update: Due to a bug, certain content from the retail disc version of Control Ultimate Edition is not being downloaded and installed properly. A workaround for the issue has been identified, so please follow these steps to ensure all content gets installed on your console:

  1. After the disc installation is complete, go to "My Games & Apps", highlight Control, press the Menu button, and select "Manage Games and Add-Ons"
  2. Select Control (observe game size is only 17GB) and unselect the Control Base Game check box (it will now show "Will remove")
  3. Select "Save Changes" and the Control Base Game will be uninstalled
  4. With the game disc still inserted, launch the Store on your Xbox, go to the Control game page, and select "Install"
  5. Once the game is installed, confirm the new game size is about 42GB by checking the "Manage Games and Add-Ons" instructions above
  6. Start the game, and you will now be able to access all game content beyond the Elevator

We are currently working on a permanent fix and will notify our players via support tickets and social media channels once this occurs. Thank you for your patience and we appreciate your support of Control Ultimate Edition!

Original article:

The Xbox One version of Control Ultimate Edition requires that additional content be downloaded in the background, which is required to play the game (which includes both The Foundation and AWE expansions). This is independent of any patches and updates that are listed in the Xbox Dashboard and are done while the game is running.

This process can take around 30 minutes up to several hours, depending on the speed of your internet connection and other factors, such as download speeds, wi-fi quality, or connection speed with Xbox servers. Please ensure that your Xbox One is connected to the internet and that the connection quality does not show any problems:

Once this process is complete, an internet connection is no longer required to play Control Ultimate Edition.

If you continue to experience problems with the content not being installed, please reach out to us here by submitting a ticket via the link at the top of this page and we will be happy to assist you.

I have the Control Season Pass on PS4, but the content isn't appearing. What should I do?

On PS4, if you have purchased the Control Season Pass, please go to the Foundation or AWE PlayStation Store page on your console and click the Download button for each one. The content does not automatically install and has to be done manually.

Once you do this, your content will begin installing. When complete, restart your game or reload your last save, and your content will now be active.

To access the Foundation DLC, you must finish the main campaign for Control first.

To access the AWE DLC, you must finish Mission 7 (Face of the Enemy) first.

Xbox PC Game Pass Crash Workaround

Although this isn't the ideal solution for this issue, the community has managed to figure out a workaround which may allow you to continue playing the game without the frequent crashing:

  1. Open Windows Explorer and paste this into the directory: "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\505GAMESS.P.A.ControlPCGP_1.0.6.0_x64__tefn33qh9azfc\". You won't be able to navigate there yourself since Windows secures the WindowsApps folder. You may also need to change the drive letter and remove the Program Files part of the file path if not using the default settings.
  2. Right-click on Game_rmdutggamepass_f.exe and select Properties.
  3. From the Compatibility tab, check the box for Windows 7 compatibility mode and then click Apply. You may get an access denied message due to administrator rights, so if you do, click on Ignore.
  4. Run the game from your normal shortcut or from the Xbox app launcher.

Special thanks to user Delta748 and others in the TrueAchievements and Reddit communities for discovering and providing this for other affected players.

What is Control Ultimate Edition – Cloud Version? (Switch)

It is all the content of the PC version of Control Ultimate Edition, made available to stream from the cloud on Nintendo Switch. It includes:

  • Control base game
  • ‘The Foundation’ Expansion Pack
  • ‘AWE’ Expansion Pack
  • The Expeditions end game mode, Photo Mode and all the content updates since the release of the original game

What happens to my save file if my Internet drops out? Do I lose all my progress? (Switch)

No. As this is a cloud streaming service, all your progress is stored in the cloud.

Like any game, however, if you lose connectivity or switch off the game between checkpoints, you will be sent to the last checkpoint you saved at when you return to the game.

Does Control Ultimate Edition – Cloud Version support HD Rumble / vibration? (Switch)

No, the cloud version of Control Ultimate Edition on Nintendo Switch does not support HD Rumble or vibration functionality through the streaming client.

Is a Nintendo Online subscription required to access Control Ultimate Edition – Cloud Version? (Switch)

No, a Nintendo Online account is not required to play.

Legacy titles

Outside of tips and knowledge shared within our community channels, the following links might be of help:

  • Max Payne - HERE
  • Max Payne 2 - HERE
  • For Quantum Break, Alan Wake and Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, please contact Xbox Support.

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